Monday, March 22, 2010

we spend most of our lives older!

Yes,I realize it now.Now,that my youth is rapidly being replaced by wisdom.
It began with my physical form,the eyes, I needed reading glasses .Then, the ears kicked out,"what did you say?"I began to repeat.
I don't even remember what it was like to hear well.
I sorta remember what it was like to rip our clothes off in haste to have to make love...
We delude ourselves by being distracted with life and responsibilities.
When its probably best to face the fear (yes,fear) of loss,aging,dying, and go deeper into the feelings.
Real learning happens when we go deeper into the fear.
Truth and the teachings of life are found within the experience of facing fear.
Bravery is being a coward and facing the fear anyway.


  1. Beautifully said, Dr. Deb....

  2. Indeed. Aging is natural, of course, and it's not whether we age but how we treat our aging that matters. Like you said, fear is a good thing as long as it propels us in the right direction.

    I want a passionate life. Not having this is my biggest fear. Therefore, I commit to contemplating passion and zest for living on a daily basis.
