Monday, March 29, 2010

Jeans suck! Yes, they do!

Arent we done with jeans yet? oh yes, and khaki too.They had a nice run ,becoming the American uniform along with baseball caps(cringe),T shirts(save them for kids summer camp please), and sneakers(they stink ,good for running ,bad for fashion)
I just finished Fashion Week on El Paseo here in the strange land of Palm Desert/Palm Springs.
Night after night, there was an abundance of creations on the runway. Like minnie mouse and andy warhol colliding.
Or the love child of Stevie Nicks and Tim burton.
My mouth hurt from smiling.
BUT, in the "appropriately" clad audience was mostly Chanel suits and black dresses. The gap between Subtle-classic and Boring-uniform is not too far apart.A beautiful aspect of the show was ,as someone mentioned to me at the after party at Melissa Morgans gallery (which BTW, is crazy ass edgey and fly!),"This was a place where you could be appreciated Dr.Deb, for what you bring to the world", referring to my radical fashion sense. It never occurred to me that, for once ,I was a part of the show, instead of being a sole straggler walking around dressed "funny". yes, it felt good and comfortable to be among creative folks who understand art and the art of fashion.It was home..
so, for all of you that still claim that blue jeans are great,I challenge you to be more fanciful,colorful,bold, outlandish...lets up the fashion, at least in our little part of the world.It doesnt have to cost anything,
Think thrift shops.
Think India! (for color and fabric)
think Victorian!
Play in your closet.Shop in your closet.
the one thing I would love to hear eliminated from our language
-scenario-you walk into a store,try something on, and the salesperson says to you"that would look great with jeans"...put your hands over your ears and RUN screaming from the store.
Ok, the challenge is on...


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