Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I went to a wellness expo in Rancho Mirage this past weekend.They were selling a service that "removes and improves cellulite".
Did you know that the word cellulite was INVENTED? It was invented in the 60,s to sell a product that got rid of it, because only if you have something can you get rid of it! And ,girl, they made sure as hell that you want to get rid of the "nasty demon,cellulite!"
I remember as a thin,healthy, young woman struggling for years to rid myself of something that I am SUPPOSED to have!
that something is estrogen.
I have estrogen .
So What is the function of estrogen in the body?
To promote secondary sexual characteristics in women(and men too if you are a man that wants to be a woman).
So what are these characteristics that make us female?
Well, one of them, a very important one,is FAT DEPOSITION,aka,cellulite.
we gain fat stores when we go through puberty so that we can prepare our bodies for baby making.
How ironic is it that breast fat is "good"(large breasts)yet,thigh fat is bad(cellulite)?
In other words, there is no cellulite.It is a made up concept that makes women want to go out and buy stuff to be more "beautiful".
Stay healthy, work out every day ( yes, the newest studies show that we need to work out 1 hour every day),eat less meat, eat more fresh food without packaging,visit the farmers market on wed.morning, and re-train your mind to KNOW that cellulite is a MYTH perpetrated on us by marketing


  1. interesting that you would bring up "cellulite" today.... Today, in the shower, I decided I would shower first, then write because I get a lot of ideas in the shower. Today, I was thinking about those ass deposits and how everything I have ever tried has not worked AND how I've been complaining about cellute since I was.........less than 30! useless energy... so, thank you for your post.......!!! MonkeyME

  2. is it just my old age, or is your type really, really small

  3. in other words, cellulite is another beautiful part of being a woman. I can live with that.
