Wednesday, September 27, 2017

3 Essential and Powerful Tools to Not Giving a Fuck.

Pondering Self.
It makes me smile to know that, as far as others judging me, I don't give a fuck. 

 This doesn't exclude 'caring' about them, or wanting to know their 'opinion', simply means that I have such massive and hard earned Self-esteem, that I literally don't give a hoot about your opinion of me.

  I understand that we all have opinions based on our culture, upbringing, religion, and personal insecurities about what is and isn't right, or what we should or shouldn't do, ...I understand indoctrination,....clinging to thin threads of the illusion.

Yet, I have gone rogue, rebellious even, to promote radical self acceptance. 

 I love when notable people have ceased to 'give a fuck'. its helps to empower the mainstream into being more deeply authentic.

 By a certain time in life, many people have lost their way and forgotten who they really are.
This creates massive uncertainty and anxiety.

If you want to remember who you really are, go back to your seven year old self,... that's who YOU are.
Meanwhile, one's life has changed,  hormones, surroundings (or maybe not), and the comfortable prison of rules and vague standards you and your environment have created for you.

 I can give advice on finding the path, one goes creeping about in the underbrush of their psyche, searching for themselves....turning to therapists, workshops, new age 'gurus', and pharm in hopes of finding the lost soul, using a blurry pair of thick glasses, instead of a razor sharp, high tech GPS navigational system, one that is gifted as we explore natural, powerful, plant-based alternatives for healing... I call them the 'find your soul" app, like your iPhone. 

 I call myself a soul guide to finding the real you, a Sherpa of lost souls.

 That jewel of the authentic soul buried down deep inside of what one may have become, an unrecognizable human, one that drinks to oblivion, has random sex, attaches to someone else who has lost their soul, watches endless TV, feels fomo, the inability to be alone, feelings of loneliness, or takes substances to numb the inability to find that lost nature,... 

 It's this confusion that causes suffering,...being lost, unsure of one's purpose, utter loneliness,  because the 'you of you' is gone.

Perhaps the 'you of you' was stolen in childhood pains, traumas, and suffering.

Perhaps, one willingly gave it away in a codependent or abusive relationship.

Abandonment, abuse, parents that were mentally ill or in a cult,... whatever IT is, it's a sad story, and most everyone has one. 

This is not to diminish one's personal sad story, just simply highlighting the collective nature of our shared suffering and consciousness. 

 I say the tools available to find the little child lost, ..rise up against the fear of change.

This 'rising up' through fear may be painful.

Yet, rising up through suffering is a great tool,.

 Like a caterpillar, suffering so badly that one is forced to break free of the cocoon into total liberation,... and fly.

Some essential tools for deepening one's relationship with self:

1-Plant based medicines, one may have heard of ayahuasca, ibogaine, toad experiences, peyote, mushrooms, and any and all of the indigenous substances used by tribes and religions around the world for centuries to alleviate suffering in a natural and sacred context. 
All done in an intentional setting.

2-Being within a community of people that support and celebrate one's authentic self, ...instead of a community that seeks to impose strict, and somewhat unspoken, cultural guidelines,.
  (I use religion as an example of a fear based method of controlling the masses- saying what we can do and who we can be...) 

 Although, it may seem scary, it's possible to break away from restraints that cease to celebrate one's
beautiful, healthy Selfness.

3 -Read and listen to the Masters, absorbing words of truth, comfort, and acceptance.

 I'm not referring to the new age texts and workshops that will attempt to corral one's money to gain 'truth and find one's true self', but the age-old Masters, or those that have studied these texts and have rewritten them in a way that modern readers and seekers may comprehend.

May you be blessed and find a bright light that illuminates your path.

much love, and fire,

dr deb 

Monday, September 18, 2017

How Do You Know If You're Wise?

 My grandson told me that anyone at any age can be wise.

I had been under the impression that experience in life coupled with 'time' was what was required to be considered wise.

 Afterall, after fifty or sixty, you've had a chance to get married, earn an education, work at a few jobs, marry, raise children, be afflicted with illness, lose people, have a broken heart, and so on,...

 On review,  I'm apt to agree with Jakey- living a long time, and experiencing life does help you in the quest for wisdom, yet, doesn't necessarily mean that you will gain it.

The inability to take all these experiences you've had, and shape them into a cohesive package of knowledge that can be utilized to make life easier can derail the wisdom self.

When we learn all this knowledge, skill, and lessons, we have to be able to arrange them into a tapestry of working principles.

These principles must be applicable to the human experience, and not just our own individual limited lives.

We must be able to form a well made picture of foundational and truth-bearing pearls that will apply not only to our lives, but the human condition as well.

 For this is where wisdom resides.

 For instance, your car is robbed, the crooks break into your car and steal your stuff .

This could lead one to be distrustful of others... people steal, they rob you, you can't trust people.

The bigger picture and the wiser one, would see this as a different lesson, with overriding umbrella and guiding principles. ..perhaps, the one that broke into your car is a drug addict, the addiction is based on this person's childhood trauma, this brings frustration, sadness at your loss, yet, coupled with compassion for the human condition, and wisdom to not keep anything of value inside the car, parking it in a safer place, etc,... the wise one learns a multitude of lessons.

The not-so-wise one learns that humans are bad, and goes deeper into a state of anger, distrust, and stress.

The wise one learns from their mistake, changes their behavior, understands that one can't change others, accepts the loss, takes action, continues to trust, and stores the info away to be used for future endeavors.

The wise one doesn't allow an individual incident to steal the trust.

The wise one then passes on these lessons to others in various forms.

The key to being wise is to be able to see life from someone  else's perspective and to apply those various perspectives to your own life.

Thanks Jakey,  you're absolutely correct, one can be wise at any age, it's simply a matter of seeing from someone else's perspective, walking in another person's shoes, and understanding that one, lone  perspective is built upon one human's experience.

The tapestry of wisdom we weave is more beautiful and strengthened by the threads of the collective stories.

So, remember, a good test of whether or not you are wise, comes from the ability to step out of your opinion, and into someone else's, seeing the situation from another set of eyes, even if it doesn't merge with your own....

That's wisdom.