Wednesday, April 28, 2010

bliss is attainable

having attained a blissful state( Im not always there,but I have reached it),it is my personal experience to KNOW bliss. Bliss is definitely NOT an emotional state controlled by thoughts and is a state of complete absence of thinking ,dissolution of sensory input,and hyper-acuity.......I have no desire to explain it or how to attain it. I know it.If you wish to experience it,you will have to want it, study, seek, explore, and believe in your perfection.
By maintaining an emotional state of anger,disappointment or frustration because others have not lived up to your expectations is the fertile ground where the seeds of unconditional love ,awareness, and KNOWLEDGE are planted. Remember, poop makes the best soil.
but, hoping to change the world with love and happiness by exacting contempt/anger/unhappiness on humanity is like using a condom when you want to have a baby.
walking a spiritual, enlightened path means discipline. Reading about bliss and experiencing or
living bliss are as different as watching football in your living room or being the quarterback in the super bowl.
Know this,happiness is attainable, bliss is available.Start by loving your self.

1 comment:

  1. I've walked a mountain top or two in my life.

    Incredible moments...

    aaahhh bliss. It's also nice memory to help get me through the "dis-bliss."

