Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New York is the best INTERACTIVE performance piece of all!

We had an amazing trip to New York, we realized that the entire city is a performance piece , a stage, and everyone participates.every character is represented, the rich,club owning playboy who desires true happiness, the beautiful woman with the better than you attitude, the ancient jewish grandmother who breathes New york like life blood, the crazy guy with the big talk, the con man, the russia wife, the silly japanese girl, the elegant maven, the socialite denizen, the tortured artist, the homeless intellectual, the wall street shark,the excited collegiate,the jester, the clown, the cowboy, the mother, the cabbie from poland that bought his home ,the curious, the chess playing boy, the loud mouth fast talking hustler, the quiet watcher,the black clad cigarette smoking cachetic model with the pale skin and sunken cheek bones ,the brooklyn girls in high stilletto heels stumbling drunk down the cobbled stoned streets of chelsea looking for a husband with a job,...everyone actively playing the part wonderfully-which makes it the largest scale performance piece of all, and when I come , I get to be IN it!.. the lady-doctor,who performs in Rock operas,present in the midst of seeming chaos, with rainbow dreads from california that meditates in the middle of the street! my handsome, smoking hot neurosurgeon husband. wow, what a host of charcters.

see u again...on to coachella
love and fired up
dr d


  1. it started sounding a little bit like a fairytale at the end.

    you do have a fabulous life, Dr. Deb.

    grace and peace... and much love from me.


    If you ever so desire.
    I'm enjoying Facelife these days. :)

    Hope you are well.
