Sunday, January 24, 2010

I had a dream about someone this morning .
I guess you would call her an X-friend,..I referred to her at the time of our prolonged "breakup" as a "frien-nemy'. She taught me the meaning of that... anyway, it was a lucid dream, real, either you are aware that you're dreaming or you wake within it, this one I knew was a dream...and the amazing thing was,she had finally lost the extra 5 pounds she had been talking about and trying to lose in my 8 year relationship with her.
And I was happy for her.
We stood on the banks of an urban river, clear and warm, surrounded by tall skyscrapers on both sides,..and I was going in, ..she was trying to get her kids to come with her because she had a performance she needed to attend...instead , she dove into the water ahead of me,.I was delighted,amused,...she was wearing her proverbial cashmere sweater with her perfect hair style and done makeup, and her thighs were thin,..I laughed, we both did, at her strength and carelessness, her spontaneity.... i wish now that our relationship had been more like the dream...because deep down, inside of her, is that authentic,vibrant person yearning for release, unconcerned about her or her's kids social status,... standing and playing like a child,unafraid,happy.
It felt really good


  1. Nice that you can have such loving feelings for you... Strange how people come and go and how after so many years, the friendship evaporates...

    I like that you can lucid dream...

  2. Of course, I meant, "feelings for her..." oye... my brain... oye my eyes.. oye..
