Sunday, January 3, 2010

Home Improvement vs Body "Improvement"

How is fixing up your home ,ie,painting, upgrading the plumbing,buying a colorful rug, etc, different from doing the same with your body? Is trying to improve your looks any different? If we should be accepting of all things, then why plant flowers in the garden?Why hang fabrics on the walls, or have paintings hung? Why is a laser to remove deep wrinkles from the sun damage different from re-plastering your pool that is peeling off? And ,at what point do we distinguish what IS and ISNT vanity? Isnt getting your hair colored vain? Where do we draw a line between what is "accepting of what is" vs. "resistance to what is"? I think we would all agree that putting large globules of material into your lips to achieve "Angelina Jolie" lips is not the same as putting fancy rims on your car,...or is it? What about braces to straighten the teeth? Shaving our face or legs?Or desiring contact lenses over glasses?
How can we rationalize "fixing up our car and home"as any thing different from what we do to our physical appearance?
is it all a matter of vanity to want to do anything to improve, just different degrees of nonacceptance?

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