Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fur those of you with an open heart and mind!

Recently,my friend posted a comment on her Facebook wall "why are people so bothered by FUR and not leather?".
A woman(call her 'kiva") that responded to my friend's wall post stated" why should you give a rat's ass? ..they are just jealous!". Oh, really? Are they?
I pondered Kiva's glib retort...and thought about my 14 year old daughter's undying conviction to save the animals, her truly deep, empathic nature that deemed her a self proclaimed vegetarian at the age of 8, meeting strong resistance from her parents(yes, I resisted due to the protein concern).It hurts my daughter in a deep ,primitive way to eat or kill animals. I'm sure there are folks who feel similarly about a multitude of issues, abortion being one of them.
With that in mind, my daughter isn't JEALOUS AT ALL of someone's fur wearing. I offered an answer to my friend's FB query that it perhaps was because we raise and kill the animals for the fur only,while, with leather, it is a byproduct of eating the cow( note: we don't make DOG coats). I further suggested that if she chooses to wear fur,do it with intention.
She already has bought it, so honor the animal and be grateful for the skin.
I want to discuss the woman, Kiva, further,the one that made the remark regarding "you shouldnt care a rat's ass...they are jealous!". What I'd like to do is DECONSTRUCT her habitual, thinking process or NON thinking process that was the foundation of her remarks. Let's first break it down,"you shouldnt care or give a rat's ass"-actually, you should care about what is hurtful to others.I'm not suggesting that you live trying to make everyone happy, but you need to take responsibility for the wearing of the fur. You know that it hurts people so honor that,wear the fur with love and gratitude, even if it is your attitude. In your heart ,be grateful for the beauty of the animal's coat.This will be felt as an energy that will permeate out from you and any shame associate with it will be diminished. Be thoughtful in the future and perhaps you will make a different choice, there are fabulous faux furs that are very warm.
Second, breaking down the next statement"They are just jealous!". HHMMM..maybe this woman is projecting her own thoughts, maybe SHE is jealous...and, of what? the price? the expense? the luxury? ..what would someone be jealous of? I believe she crafted that remark to be obsequious,same thing as "kissing up". But, I might be wrong about that, Jealousy is something you want that someone else has, the very last thing an animal activist desires is REAL FUR to wear! To covet an item such as a fur implies PRIDE, as if someone is PROUD of owning something expensive, and well, come on folks, thats just EGO!
Anyway, when I woke up this morning to check my friend's profile, she had deleted ALL comments related to the fur issue.When I asked her "why?",she said some people "got violent". WOW! That means they identified with the issue of the fur. When I tried to find this woman, Kiva,to see who she was,(ie, NRA?) she had BLOCKED me!
Some people, not only don't like anyone who has a different opinion from them, but they are afraid to be exposed to a different view or paradigm, it scares them....and that, my friends ,leads to a closed heart and a closed mind!
I hope you are not afraid of an opposing viewpoint!

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