Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To SHAVE or not to shave?

Personally, I feel that the whole TREND of totally shaving one's pubic region is akin to desiring to be soooooo young,in this agist culture ,obsessed with youth,that we actually want to be children again.. It gets very close.
There's no hygenic reason...does it look "better"? I understand a bikini wax, a trim ...but naked down below,yikes! ,,,,realistically, it looks like a pre-pubescent girl...labia exposed...nothing to prevent friction or a rash(yes, there is actually a REASON why you get it!)...similar to geishas having their feet bound to look like little girls... ..., fetish becomes mainsteam stuff. But, thats just my opinion....
When I ask women "why" they do it, they say"it looks better"( it looks like a child) ,"its cleaner"( not so, and really, how dirty ARE you?),or "my guy likes it" ( guys like whatever they can get).
Cultural pressure to look like everyone else.?or designed to look like a very young girl?
And then, at what point do you stop shaving?
Childbirth? menopause? when you're 80? I mean there is a turn around point where you actually want more hair!
There is NO pubic hair on a old woman.
If I had a guy that insisted on it, I would drop him.
I want my man to want a woman to look like a woman,not a child.
I can only say what makes ME uncomfortable..
I AM discouraged at glorifying shaven pubic areas in woman trying to look like girls.
Strong empowered women do not need to look like little girls.The Goddess is perfectly coifed, as is.
And true Gods appreciate the well kept,neatly trimmed, but biologically active WOMAN.
This is just one more subservient process that we go through to change our bodies.


  1. Hhhhmmm... good points.

    I am a goddess. Esteresque all the way. I still say "Go Brazilian."


  2. Women trying to look like "little" girls and little girls trying to look like women. When I buy clothes for my four year old they look like skimpy adult outfits so I have to be very selective in what I dress her in.

  3. Hi doll,

    I can only say what works for me and I know that for me it is a SENSATION thing! Having that region, particularly closest to the clit, bare, heightens... *everything*. ;) I would never do it for how it looks, but who gives a damn how it looks? Especially in that region; sensation is everything! Being concerned about anything other than safety, health and sensation in the pubic region, or in any part of the temple of our bodies, is ridiculous. So, because I don't give a damn about the appearance *there* (yeah, it looks weird as hell, but not that many people ever see it. :)), I happily remove the hair and :)

