Sunday, March 21, 2010

headphones that cancel THOUGHTS

We were sitting around the fire last night on the equinox when my hubbie brought out these noise canceling head phones. When you put them on, the sound of the distant train and the fountain in the yard were erased.You could still hear the sounds of our voices speaking. It was amazing. Then it occurred to me,wouldn't it be great to have a pair of THOUGHT canceling head phones for the incessant chatter that goes on in our heads constantly.A device that could instantly quiet your thoughts!
You literally couldn't hear yourself think.
Not just from outer noise, but from the inner conversations that prattle on and on.....


  1. My god. I need these for when I get on a plane and start freaking out.

  2. Fab! ...

    I would only like to tweak this a little bit. I'd like it to only cancel out the negative thoughts... paradigms... plaguing my mind.

    "I contemplate myself surrounded by the conditions I wish to attract into my life." and "Assume the feeling of my wishes fulfilled."

  3. yes, i would LOVE a pair of those - also, as a writer, i would like to have an immediate streaming thought download device so that i don't have to run around all the time going, SHIT, i need to write that down!!! - wouldn't it be great if your book(s) could flow straight from your internal thought processing centers? - love from t-rob in outbacksville, new mexico!
