Tuesday, January 12, 2010

what is a TRIBE?

TRIBE is a powerful family that is of your choosing.It doesn't have to be related by name or DNA.It is a safe place to rest your soul. Safe meaning trust. A group of like hearted individuals that form a deep connection, perhaps through or in the process of being a part of something that is bigger than yourself.You will and can recognize your tribe by the feelings of absolute unconditional love you feel for each one in the tribe. Inviting each member to be their Self,allowing them space to do their thing, even if their thing isn't always something that you agree with,although generally, a tribe will coalesce into such a loving consciousness and presence and respect for one another that whatever someone else's THING usually becomes a beautiful aspect of that person that you learn to accept and grow to appreciate. Tribe is trust.Tribe is nurturing.A much under appreciated aspect of modern society as we all, even mothers, need to be mothered,fathered,parented,... nutured. It is the space where you can reveal, be silent, relax, cuddle, touch hearts, express, cry, feel, and not be judged, but be loved and comforted.It is a space where you can be you, dropping the identities you may have built up outside your tribe, like"mom", "wife", "Doctor","'engineer", "writer", "waitress",yes, you are still these identities but not defined by them.As if you had been washed clean of the layers and are revealed as a child again. The only thing required to be a member is trust and respect. we are here for our tribe,always and all ways. It includes friendship, family, and deep bonds of love. Without a tribe, you may be adrift in the sea of insanity.Your tribe offers a place of refuge for your soul, a place where your soul can play and rest, recharge. I give my deepest unconditional love and gratitude to mt tribe.Thank you from the depths of my heart for giving my soul a well of love to drink and a buffet of experiences.Thank you for the mindful practices you bring to even the simple actions of preparing and serving food or lighting a fire.Thank you for snuggling and laughing so hard it hurts,...and offering and smiling and a hand on the shoulder.Life has expanded outwards so far because of you that I cannot, nor do I want, to try to contain my love.


  1. they are a wee bit crazy,which makes them very fun

  2. I knew I was looking for it, I had no idea it would be this amazing. Beyond any expectations I could have imagined. I went hungry for over 40 years. And now I'm so full, I can hardly believe it. These people, wow. words dont do it justice. That big.

  3. I am overwhelmed with gratitude at my tribe... and at the amazing people I am honored to add to it. :)
