Saturday, January 23, 2010

Too much Haiti?...or not enough?

This earthquake in a third world nation jolted me into a massive wave of compassion, that sometimes,because we are living our quotidian lives,we allow to flag.My personal biggest fear,as evidenced by my panic when I have to go into the MRI,is closed spaces.I have meditated on this recent series of events where folks have been smashed under suffocating concrete for days, with no inkling of outcome...I dont know how my psyche could handle it, it is immeasurable suffering in so many ways, please, right at this moment,while reading this,even if you don't believe in our connectedness, offer a breath of release and love and light to those still trapped under the rubble.I know, or think I know, that if it were me in there,I would get some relief just knowing that you cared enough to send me your heartlove,...
Have you considered HOW this will bring about a change in the world?
Take a moment to think about this...
After the Supreme Court ruling that Corporations have the same Rights as individuals,I now understand that WE did this to ourselves.I'm not talking about the actual earthquake,but the lack of thought/compassion that we had towards their plight.
In regards to the corporations,WE bought all the plastic toys, WE overindulged as a culture, we are all culpable...and now, our karma is upon us. How do we make restitution? ...By being compassionate, giving, understanding, changing our attitudes and our behavior from ME,ME,ME to US,US,US. Old habits ,hard to change, but we can do it, we can..
buy less,love more.


  1. It is know that the US Government has sent millions of dollars to Haiti over the years to help the country. As we can see the Haiti government did not help its people with all the millions we sent. Corruption and greed from the Haiti Government has caused the grief we see today. The missionaries and charities that are in Haiti are the true, compassionate people that are really working to better the Haitian people.
