Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fear and Loving in Las Vegas

I was a guest in an opulent palace and an opulent experience yesterday,it was called the "Mansion".Its a very secret(private) exclusive part of the MGM Grand hotel In Vegas.
ONLY high rollers(I'm guessing minimum of 125,000.00$,thats just a guess) can stay there. It is the nexus of exclusive and decadence. It was fun but more than that ,it was seductive.Not for me, but I imagine that many folks would lust after this type of situation. Picked up in a private jet,premier seats at the gaga concert,the most expensive champagne, best table at the best club, roped off with a personal bodyguard,everything in the 5000 ft villa computerized, fresh flowers, private waiters that serve you "room service" at 3 am.,with white linens in the dining room of the villa. indoor pool in the villa,,,,and on and on,,.and on
But ,being an INclusive person, I was able to see from the inside out what it was like to be an EXclusive person(this is a choice ,btw!). one of the women in my small group of 6(I had just met her),told the body guard to get rid of some girls that had entered our cordoned off area of the club-she didn't like their dancing. Another man in the group,had also asked the bodyguard to remove some girls from the area because they were too heavy! OK, Im not even going to GO THERE!! I saw these 2 in the group as the most scared, the most controlling, the most unhappy.I;m not saying they were mean people, they weren't .They were kind and generous, but not to everyone.I took it all in,including one of the most decadent moments of my life.This is when my girlfriend and I had to pee.The 6'4"260 lb bodyguard escorted us,HOLDING our HANDS,to the restroom through the crowded club,clearing a space for us.He then proceeded to open the toilet door, walk in, FLUSH the toilet,take a paper towel and WIPE OFF THE SEAT for us.!!
2 things Im left pondering(among lots of other things)
#1.does living like this make you happier?
(NO, obviously!)
But, people think it does.
And,#2.I realized, there are people who LIVE their lives like this everyday(not just my one day), not many, but some, pop,movie, and rock stars,for sure.Everyday- hounded,everyday- stressed out,everyday having your ass kissed,your butt (metaphorically) wiped.
I thought of Michael Jackson, the tormented man,who died young.He lived like that,
Was it worth it?

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